To investigate the CT and MRI features of the cavernous sinus (CS) tumors. [Methods] CT and MRI data of 89 cases with pathologically proved CS tumors were analyzed. The neoplasms included pituitary adenoma( n = 25), tumors derived from nasopharynx or nasal sinuses ( n = 29), parasellar meningioma( n = 14), parasellar cholesteatoma( n = 3), trigeminal schwannoma( n = 6), sellar chordoma( n = 5), hematogenous metastases( n =4), parasellar chondrosarcoma( n =2), parasellar osteochondroma( n = 1). [Results] The CS neoplasms were consisted of 20 primary and 69 secondary tumors. The lesions invaded bilateral ( n = 26) or unilateral( n =63) CS. The CT and MRI features included asymmetric enlargement and bulging lateral wall of the CS ( n =89) ,abnormal density and enhancement of CS on CT scan( n =62) ,abnormal signal and enhancement of CS on MRI ( n = 68), involvement of internal carotid artery ( n = 76)and bone destruction of skull base ( n =47). [Conclusion] Abnormality of shape, signal and density as well as involve-ment of internal carotid artery and parasellar structure are the main CT and MRI characteristics of CS tumors.
Journal of Clinical Research