通过收集互联网免费资源(如数字高程模型、土地利用图)和实地考察资料(如灌溉排水图、作物数据、土壤数据以及用水部门历年水资源利用数据等数据)进行数字化处理,采用1 km×1 km的小网格为单元,建立了以日为时间步长的基于GIS的流域水资源平衡模型。模型可以动态模拟地面水,土壤水和地下水的流动及平衡并可用ArcView实现可视化。模型对汾河流域太原盆地水平衡时空变化模拟结果合理。该模型可以为有效开发利用水资源提供参考并可用于预测流域水资源动态变化。
A dynamic GIS based watershed daily water balance model is established by digitalizing cell size of 1km×1km through collering freely available data such as digital elevation model, land use map from Internet, and the field investigating on irrigation & drainage map, cropping and soil data, and historical water use data for different sectors. This model is able to simulate the surface water, soil water and groundwater dynamics and balance, and the results can be visualized by using Arcview map tools. The simulation results for the water balance temporal and spatial variation in the Taiyuan basin are reasonable. The model can be used for water resources utilization and prediction of regional water dynamics.
China Rural Water and Hydropower
荷兰农业部Water for Food Programme(10823)