本文用吗啡依赖猴作对比,对恒河猴海洛因依赖形成的时间、累计剂量、催促实验戒断反应的量 -效、时 -效变化及自然戒断反应出现的时 -效关系等进行了研究。结果表明 :海洛因sc恒河猴,起始剂量为2.5mg·kg-1 ,tid ,每2d递增1.25mg·kg-1,日剂量达11.25mg·kg-1 后,改为每日递增1.25mg·kg-1,日剂量达到20mg·kg-1 时,维持该剂量到用药时间为3mon。给药d5,当海洛因累计剂量为17.5mg·kg-1 时,催促实验中,猴出现明显的戒断症状,以后随给药剂量的增加,戒断反应呈显著的量 -效、时 -效变化,反应强度在给药头10d内增加最快,以后呈缓慢上升的趋势。注射满3mon,突然停药,可出现明显的戒断症状,其时 -效关系与吗啡组基本一致。与吗啡组相比,在依赖形成初期,海洛因具有形成依赖时间短,用药量少,戒断反应程度严重,戒断症状稍有不同,有兴奋表现等特点。海洛因组Emax=100分,ED50 =20.9mg·kg-1;吗啡组Emax=104.2分,ED50 =80.7mg·kg-1,二者的等效剂量比为1∶3.9。自然戒断实验中,二组均达最大反应强度,且戒断反应程度基本相近。
Our experiments study the heroin-dependence on dependence-forming period, accumulated dose, dose-effected and time-effected changes in precipitation test and in the natural withdrawal test in comparison with morphine dependence in rhesus monkeys. The results indicate that: heroin-dependent rhesus monkeys, with initial dose at 2.5 mg·kg-1 tid, increasing 1.25 mg·kg-1 every two day, after daily dose reaching 11.25 mg·kg-1, then increasing 1.25 mg·kg-1 every day, until daily dose reaches 20 mg·kg-1, and maintain daily injection until 3 months. On the fifth day the rhesus show obvious abstinence syndromes in re-cipitation test. With the increasing injection period, the withdrawal syndromes grow more severe. The degree of reaction intensity increases fastest during the first 10 days with growing slowly, during the following period. After injection period of 3 months, the rhesus monkeys showed apparent withdrawal syndromes. Compared with morphine group, heroin group shows the characteristics of shorter forming period, less dose, more intense withdrawal reaction and different withdrawal syndromes.