采用ELISA法检测验194例海洛因依赖者HCV ,HBsAg 的感染情况 ,结果显示海洛因依赖者HBsAg,HCV的感染率分别是23.2 %和33.5 % ,显著高于对照组。尤其是iv滥用者感染率更高。本文认为HBsAg 和HCV的高感染率与iv海洛因有明显关系。
The infection rates of HBsAg and HCV in 194 heroin addicts were tested with ELISA methods. The results showed that the infection rates of HBsAg and HCV among the 194 addicts were 23.2% and 33.5%, respectively, obviously higher than in the control group. Among those who abused drugs through intravenous infection, the infection rate were even higher. Which indicated that HBsAg and HCV infection was closely related to intravenous drug abuse.