
1981~2006年济南市霍乱疫情分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Cholera Epidemic City from 1981 to 2006 City
摘要 [目的]探讨济南市霍乱发病特点,更好地控制霍乱的发生和流行。[方法]对济南市1981~2006年霍乱发病资料进行分析。[结果]26年累计发现霍乱病人55例,检出带菌者14例。其中,1981年市区发生1起因举办结婚宴席引起的食物型暴发,发病22例,检出带菌者8例;1999年天桥区发生1起因婚宴引起的食物型暴发,发病4例,检出带菌者3例;其他均为散发。天桥区发病26例,占47.27%;20~29岁发病24例,占43.64%;工人发病22例,占40.00%;9月发病25例,占45.45%。系统鉴定67株霍乱菌株,其中小川型1b、稻叶型1d各33株,O139型1株。[结论]济南市的霍乱疫情主要是散发,但有时发生聚餐引起的食物型暴发。 [Objective]To explore the characteristic of cholera epidemic, control the epidemic and occurrence of cholera. [Methods]Data of cholera epidemic and occurrence in Jinan from 1981 to 2006 were analyzed. [Results]55 cholera patients were reported in 26 years. 14 were carriers,food-borne epidemic in weeding banquet was reported in 1981.22 cholera patients were reported and 8 were carriers. Food-borne epidemic was reported in wedding banquet in Tianqiao district in 1999,there were 4 cholera cases and 3 carriers. Sporadic cases were also reported in the city. 26 cases were reported in Tianqiao district,accounting for 47.27%. 24 cases aged 20-29 were reported, accounting for 43.64%. 22 worker cases were reported ,accounting for 40.00%. 25 cases were reported in September, accounting for 45.45%. Of the 67 cholera strains detected,Ogawa lb and Inabald were 33 respectively. 1 was O139. [Conclusion]The epidemic trend of cholera was sporadic in Ji'nan,food-borne epidemic occurred sometimes.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2007年第10期929-930,共2页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 霍乱 疫情 Cholera Epidemic
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