二倍体长穗偃麦草(Thinopyrum elongatum)E组染色体是组成偃麦草属(Thinopyrum)多倍体物种的基本染色体组,携带有对小麦遗传育种有益的基因,人们已从多方面解读了E组染色体与小麦及其他近缘种属的遗传进化关系。综述了二倍体长穗偃麦草E组染色体与比萨偃麦草和小麦的亲缘关系、生化标记、分子标记和高分子量谷蛋白研究的进展。
E genome in diploid Thinopyrum elongatum is the fundamental genome in the polyploiding species of Thinopyrum. It has been found that some valuable genes for wheat breeding exist in E genome of Thinopyrum elongatum. And the evolution of wheat and kindred species or genera related to this genome has been investigated from different angles. In this paper, it is summarized about the relationship among E genome in Thinopyrum elongatum and A, B, D genomea in wheat aa well aa J genome in Thinopyrum bessarabicum, and the biochemical label, molecular label and HMW - GS genes of E genome, and the genetic evolution in the kindred species dependent on HMW -GS.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences