IEEE 802LAN相对简单的设计在业界获得巨大成功,在企业内部网得广泛应用,但同时存在不容忽视的安全隐患,客户端设备只要连接到网络无需认证就可以访问网络内的资源是其中之一。随着网络技术的大量应用和推广,对网络安全的呼声越来越高。IEEE 802.1x协议是从网络接入层解决客户端接入认证的解决方案,已成为业界认同的标准。本文将讨论802.1x协议的工作原理,探讨在企业内部网的应用,并给出应用实例。
IEEE 802 LAN has made great success because of its relative simple design,and it has been used in the corporations widely,but it also has the hidden trouble which can not be ignored. For example,the client can access to the resource of the Intranet only by linking to the net but without authentication. The demand of the network security is growing as the network technology widely used and popularized. IEEE 802.1x protocol is the technique to solve the problem of client authentication by means of network access layer, and this has been identified with the industry as a standard. This article will discuss the 802.1x protocol's working principle and the application in the Intranet. Also, real cases will be presented.
LI Dian-ju (School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou,China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology