应用光镜、电镜及放射免疫技术对不同年龄处女型S D大鼠子宫内膜作了形态学研究。结果表明,随着年龄增长,内膜表面上皮腺萎缩,腺体减少,腺细胞器退化,间质细胞和中性粒细胞密度下降,腋原纤维增多,血浆雌二醇和孕酮浓度降低。提示卵巢激素平衡的失调及子宫内膜本身固有的增龄性改变,共同导致子宫内膜的老化。
Age-related changes of the eadometrium of virgin SD rats have been investigated With the light microscopy, electron microscopy and radioimmunoassay. With the advancing of age,the superficial epithelial cells gradually atrophied; the glands decreased in number, with organelle of glandular cells degenerating; the density of stromal cells and neutrophilic granulocytes reduced and collagen fibers increased; the concentrations of plasma estradiol and progesterone lowered.These results show that the aging of the endometrium is caused by the disturdance of ovarian hormone balance and the intrinsic changes of the endometrium with advancing age.