
试析现行中国城市规划在地方层面实施的有效性及存在的问题——兼论大城市边缘开发区的规划控制 被引量:12

An Analysis on the Effectiveness and the Problems of Contemporary Urban Planning Implementation at Local Levels in China:Specifically on Planning Control in Development Zones of Large City Urban Fringe Areas
摘要 试图将西方的新制度经济学在城市规划领域中运用的理论与Giddens的结构化社会学理论相结合,建立一个用来解析中国城市规划实施有效性的模型。根据这个理论模型,分析并提出现行城市规划实施有效性存在的六大主要问题。 This research develops a theoretical model for the evaluation of the effectiveness of planning implementation at local levels in China,by combining the applied theories of New Institutional Economics in urban planning sphere and Giddens’ structuration theory. Through institutional analysis,this research reveals six main problems influencing the effectiveness of planning performance at local levels. It is implied by this research an overall rethinking and reforming of current planning system in China is necessary.
作者 周国艳
出处 《国际城市规划》 2007年第4期75-83,共9页 Urban Planning International
关键词 新制度经济学 交易成本 产权 外部影响 理性选择 城市规划 实施 有效性 New Institutional Economics (NIE) Transaction Cost Property Rights Externality Rational Action Urban Planning Implementation Effectiveness
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