The red light-or far red light induced chances in chlorophyll fluorescence Parameters and fluorescence spectrum at low temperature were oborved in wheat leaves to investigate whether the change in excitahon energy distribution between the two photosystems during state transihons involves the change in excitahon energy spillover from PS Ⅱ to PS Ⅰ. The chlorophyll fluorescence Parameter, Fm/Fo, and the raho of fluorescence yield of the two Photosysterns at low temperatUre, F685/F735, increased when leaves were expoSured to light I (far red light), while they decrease when leaves were exPOSured to light H (red light, Fial. 1-3). During illundnahon by light I or light Ⅱ, the chance in Fm/Fo attained to a maximum extent in a shorter bine as compared with the chance in F685/F735 (FigS. 2, 3). In the leaves fed with NaF through its cut end, Fm/FO and F685/F735 did not increase on exposure to light I (Fig. 4). The extent of decrease of Fm/Fo and F685/F735 in the leaves fed with DCMU also through the cut end of leaf was less than that in control without feeding of DCMU on exposure to light n (Fig. 5).arsed on the results above, the following conclusions are made: a) the change in excitahon energy distribuhon betWeen the tWO photosystems during Salts transihons is, at least panly, related to chance in excitahon energy spillover from PS n tO PS I; b) the chance in the spillover is associated with phOSPhorylahon of LHC E, and it is a quicker response to the inbalant light aborphon of the two Photosystems as compared with the change in light absorption cross-section.
state transition, photochemical efficiency of PS I, Spillover, LHCⅡphosphorylation, chlorophyll fluorescence, what