
基于居民感知与态度的旅游地社区主导旅游业发展机制研究 被引量:4

On the Mechanism of Community-based Tourism Development Approach based on the Residents' Perceptions and Attitudes
摘要 社区居民是旅游地最核心的利益相关者。国际上对于旅游地居民感知与态度,以及基于此所作的社区"参与机制"进行了大量的研究,并对中国的旅游发展理论产生了一定影响。本文通过对北京郊区两个民俗村的实证研究,了解了目前两地区居民参与旅游发展的情况,并有针对性地构建了一个综合主导机制、协同机制与规模机制的社区主导体系,以期对中国社区旅游业的发展做出一定贡献。 Community residents are the core stakeholders of a tourist destination. Many international studies focus on community residents' perceptions and attitudes toward tourism development as well as the community involvement mechanism, which have certain influences on China's tourism development theories. The author investigated two villages in suburban Beijing that operate rural tourism and has gained relative knowledge about local involvement in tourism development. Based on these studies, a community approach which combines the local-dominant mechanism, the coordinative mechanism and the capacity mechanism is established. This approach is proposed to contribute to China's community-hased tourism development.
作者 安艳艳 张文
出处 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2007年第7期13-20,12,共9页 Journal of Beijing International Studies University
关键词 居民感知与态度 社区 社区主导 参与 residents' perceptions and attitudes community community-based involvement
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