
孤独症儿童的治疗对策(英文) 被引量:5

Treatment Strategies for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
摘要 孤独症是一种复杂的发育障碍并伴有多种行为异常。研究证明早期干预和进行合适的治疗可以改善患儿的行为异常。本文针对当前对自闭症儿童的治疗计划进行了概述和评论。这些治疗计划包括了ABA、TEACCH、手势语、沟通促进、PECS、物体交换、AIT和增强沟通法。适当的治疗可以改善患儿的注意力,模仿和启动能力,社交活动和主动沟通能力,语言发育和控制情感能力。本文希望提供给患儿家长和专业人员一个清晰的选择,即选择何种治疗对患儿最合适,何时应用这些治疗计划。  Autism is a perplexing developmental disorder that presents itself in a variety of behavioral disorders.Research indicates that through early intervention and appropriate treatment these behaviors can be improved.This article reviews and critiques several of the current treatment programs for children with autism.These include Applied Behavioral Analysis(ABA),TEACCH,Sign Language,Facilitated Communication,Piture Exchange Comminication System(PECS),Object Exchange,Auditory Integration Therapy(AIT),and augmentative communication.When appropriate,the treatments were reviewed for their abilities to increase attention,imitation and initiation,social interaction and intentional communication,language development,and emotional regulation.The article,hopefully,provides parents and professionals a clearer choice as to what treatment is most appropriate for which child and when to use them.
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2007年第9期807-813,共7页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
关键词 孤独症 儿童 治疗对策 综述 autism children treatment strategies review
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