沙二上2+3油藏为高渗油藏,随着长期注水开发,由于层内非均质性增强,水淹快,采出程度低,层系开发的层内矛盾加剧。分析历年驱油存在的问题,发现常用的驱油技术(聚合物驱,表面活性剂驱,碱驱,复合驱)适应性变差,深度有限,只能提高一定的波及系数,而不能提高洗油能力,随着驱油轮次的增加,已不能达到预期的效果。MF微生物是一种新型的驱油剂,MF微生物驱油技术是结合生物聚合物和EPS的研究成果,开发的一项提高采收率的新技术。室内试验表明,MF微生物在注入水环境中生长繁殖良好,并对硫酸盐还原菌有较强的抑制作用。2006年在沙二上2+3油藏的2个井组进行先导试验,对应的8口油井见到很好的增油效果,累积增油2 448 t,具有广阔的应用前景。
2 + 3 of the upper second section of Shahejie Reservoir is a high permeable reservoir, as the water injection had developed for so long a time, and the clay' s heterogeneity was strengthened and water flooding was quick, the layer' s intraformational contradiction was aggravating. Analyzed the problems of oil displacement technologies in the past years, we found the ordinary technologies such as polymer flooding, surface-active agent flooding, alkaline flooding, and compound flooding weren't adaptable to the reservoir and couldn't increase the displacement ability. MF microbe is a new oil displacement agent. The new technology combined the study results of organism polymer and EPS can increase oil recovery ratio. Tests in lab indicated clearly that the MF microbes can live very well in injection water and better restrain sulfate reducing bacteria. In 2006, we carried out the pilot test in two well groups in 2 + 3 of the upper second section of Shahejie Reservoir and got good result, the oil production of correspondent 8 oil wells have increased by 2 448 tons. The application prospect of MF microbe oil displacement is broad.
Offshore Oil
oil displacement
MF microbes
increasing oil