大连港大窑湾一期工程集装箱码头建设中,在集装箱码头堆场大板下布设的消火栓管线由于不均匀沉降导致管线严重漏水,且在堆场大板下无法维修,只能将管线总阀关闭。这既造成投资浪费又影响实际消防效果。经了解,国内其它一些港口也存在类似的问题,但我国目前尚无有关集装箱码头堆场的专门消防规范,只能依据国家标准《建筑设计防火规范》(GBJ 16-87)的有关规定进行设计。按《建筑设计防火规范》设计集装箱码头堆场的消防管网与实际消防要求针对性、适用性都不强,在大窑湾二期工程中,经充分论证,取消了堆场的管线,取得较好效果。文章对此进行总结,以求探索一个技术可靠、经济合理的集装箱码头的消防方式,寻求我国集装箱港口消防的新途径以补充和完善相关国家标准,并为我国集装箱码头建设提供经验。
In the construction of the project of Container Terminal of Dayaowan Bay Phase I, the fire water pipelines for fire hydrant laid under the concrete slab were damaged and leaked seriously because of unbalanced setting at the container yard. It's very difficult to repair them and we have to close the valve. It not only wastes the money but also affects the firefighting effectiveness. As we know, other domestic ports have the same problems. But so far we do not have a special national firefighting code for container yard. The design can only be made based on the related regulation of Firefighting Code for Architecture Design GBJ16-87, the National Code. The design for firefighting pipeline based on this Code is not practical and applicable. In the construction of the project of Dayaowan Bay Phase II, we cancelled the pipe network for container yard after sufficiently reasoning. And we achieved better results. This article summarizes this method to seek a reliable-technical, economical and reasonable firefighting way and try to find a new approach for a firefighting process of container terminal in our country to make up and perfect the national standard, and provide experience for the construction of container terminal in our country.
Port & Waterway Engineering
container yard
firefighting pipe network