Objective: To explore the value of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) in diagnosing coronary artery intramural hematomas(IMH) during percutaneous coronary interventions. Methods: The IVUS findings in 17 cases of coronary artery IMH were analysed. Results: IVUS revealed that the cross-section views of coronary artery IMH appeared as a homogeneous, hy- perechoic, crescent-shaped or circular area within media or between media or EEM, and the long axis views of IMH presented unbent or tortuous homogeneous space-occupying lesions with varied length. IVUS showed hyperechoic or equal echogenic of the hematoma. The obstruction was caused by an extraluminal echolucent or echo-dense mass encroaching the vessel lumen, and without a dissection flap. Cortdusion: IVUS is an accurate and direct examination technique, with which the location and shape of post-angioplasty coronary artery IMH can be clearly shown. All these signs have important value for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Journal of China Clinic Medical Imaging