Refer to the thermal gravimetric (TG) curves, the thermal decomposition products of double metal cyanide complex (DMC) catalysts in different temperature range were collected by using a specially designed device, and analyzed with GC-MS etc. The binding states of each kind of ligands were estimated according to their releasing temperature. The relation between the binding state of ligands and the catalytic activity of DMC catalyst was investiga- ted. Besides the content of water and organic ligands, the catalytic activity of DMC catalyst was more sensitive to the quantity of organic ligands coordinated to metal ions. The more the quantity of organic ligands coordinated to metal ions was, the more active was the DMC catalyst. The coordination of cyanides and Co^3- in DMC catalyst was less firm than that in Zn3[Co(CN)6]2·xH2O.
Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition)