
个人快速交通技术发展现状与应用展望 被引量:11

Application and Prospect of Personal Rapid Transit Technologies
摘要 个人快速交通将进入商业化运营。对个人快速交通的发展历程、类型与技术经济特征进行了较为系统的论述。依据其目前实施情况,给出了可能的应用方向。个人快速交通较适合在下列场合使用:特定场所(如机场、高档开发区等),都市繁华区域短距离联系,市郊有较高活力的区域。为我国城市交通选型提供借鉴。 Personal rapid transit (PRT) is a fully automated, rail-based public transport means, and will have commercial availability in the near future. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the history, types, technology and economic characteristics of PRT, explains how the current development of PRT technologies can solve the specific urban traffic problems and fulfill the transport tasks within special urban areas. This paper holds that the development experiences of PRT is very useful for the solution of traffic problems in Chinese cities.
作者 俞礼军
出处 《城市轨道交通研究》 2007年第9期60-65,共6页 Urban Mass Transit
关键词 个人快速交通 城市交通 公共交通 personal rapid transit, urban transport, public transport
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