以三维有序大孔SiO2为载体,采用等体积浸渍法将Keggin结构的12-磷钼酸(PMo12)固载化,制备了三维有序大孔PMo12-SiO2材料,利用IR、TG-DTA、XRD、SEM及低温N2吸附等测试手段对制备的样品进行了表征。结果表明,负载后磷钼酸的热稳定性显著提高,经500℃焙烧后,其Keggin结构依然保持;负载后,样品具有三维有序的大孔结构;磷钼酸以微晶形式高度分散在载体的孔隙中,其对孔隙的填充作用使载体的比表面积由125.4 m2/g下降到24.4 m2/g。
Three-dimensionally ordered macroporous SiO2 materials supported PMo12 with Keggin structure were successfully synthesized by incipient wetness method. The samples were characterized by TG-DTA, IR, SEM and N2 adsorption techniques. The thermal stability of composite was effectively improved and its Keggin structure was kept regardless of the calcinations at 500 ℃. The composite had a well-ordered array of hexagonally packed macropores by SEM observation. Phosphomolybdic acid in the form of crystallites was highly distributed in textural porosity consisting in the wall of 3 DOM, and its filling resulted into a steep decrease in BET surface area of 3DOM SiO2 from 125.4 m^2/g to 24.4 m^2/g.
Applied Chemical Industry