
含体积热源方腔的耦合自然对流换热数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical simulation of three-dimensional conjugate natural convection in square enclosure containing volumetric sources
摘要 对具有内热源方腔的稳态层流耦合自然对流换热进行了三维的数值模拟,采用的模拟代码基于连续介质计算力学的开源库O penFoam,解决了自然对流换热与固体传热的耦合问题。对外壁面为常温、方腔内充满含体积热源流体的自然对流计算结果表明,温度场、速度场与非耦合的工况有很大差异。R a的变化从105到109。 Numerical simulation of steady laminar conjugate natual convection in a square enclosure containing volumetric sources was presented. Simulations were made using the codes developed from open software library OpenFoam for computational continuum mechanics. The codes could perform conjugate natural convection with solids. Outsides of walls were kept in constant temperature, the fluid containing volumetric sources fills in the enclosure. The results show a significant change in the temperature and velocity fields compared with the non-conjugate conditions. Rayleigh number is varied from 107 to 109.
作者 殷亮
出处 《热科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 2007年第3期219-223,共5页 Journal of Thermal Science and Technology
关键词 自然对流 耦合传热 数值模拟 natural convection conjugate heat transfer numerical simulation
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