
贸易模式与国家贸易政策差异 被引量:2

Trade Model and Difference of the Countries' Trade Policies
摘要 国家总体福利最大化作为最优贸易政策的理论标准,在现实中被充分就业和经济增长等具体目标所取代。不同的贸易模式对就业和经济增长的影响差异,使得经济发展处于不同阶段的国家根据贸易伙伴国的经济发展水平,对不同的产业采取不同的贸易政策。产品的差异性和产品内垂直分工弱化了自由贸易对贸易国家就业和经济增长的冲击,从而有助于以产业内贸易为主的产业和国家采取自由贸易政策。 As a theoretic standard, to make a cotmtry' s total welfare maximum for optimal trade policy has been replaced by full employment and economic growth in reality. Since different trade model has different effects on employment and economic growth, different countries adopt different trade policies for their trade partners. The differentiated products and intra - product vertical specialization weaken the impact of free trade on employment and economic growth, which is helpful for the free trade policy to be adopted.
作者 曹吉云
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期58-64,共7页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题资助项目(05JZD00015)
关键词 贸易模式 贸易政策 充分就业 Trade Model Trade Policy Full Employment
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