

Study on the Effect of Numerous Policies on the Low-income Peasants' Medical Security
摘要 对怀柔区已实施新型农村合作医疗制度的14个镇乡、286个行政村的2005年底前低保农民致贫原因、参加农民大病统筹制度后医疗保障程度进行了调研,发现低保农民因病致贫现象严重,医疗需求低,疾病经济负担沉重,医疗保健状况令人忧虑。多年来政府及相关部门虽然采取了多项政策,但低保农民医疗保障严重不足,低保农民从民政部门出台的政策中得到的实惠甚微,患大病就医住院后从医疗机构得到的优惠不确定。多项政策出自多部门,但最终对低保农民的医疗保障程度责任在政府,应由政府将多项政策合并为一个政策,由相关部门负责落实。 We studied on the cause leading to poverty of the low-income family at the end of 2005 in 14 towns and 286 villages in Huairou district where have executed the new rural cooperative medical system and on the medical security level after joining in comprehensive arrangement for serious disease. We found the phenomenon that the low-income peasants became poverty because of disease serious, medical demand low, disease economic burden heavy, the condition of medical protection make us anxious. For the past years, although the government and related departments have taken many policies, the medical security for the low-income peasant is still lacking, and they got little benefit from civil administration department's policy. When they took serious disease, they got uncertain benefit from medical institution, the problems solved by the new rural cooperative medical system is limited. We think numerous policies come from many departments, but the government is liable for medical security for the low-lncome peasants finally, the government should merge these numerous policies into one policy, and should be carried out by related department.
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2007年第10期8-10,共3页 Chinese Primary Health Care
关键词 低保农民 医疗保障 政策 low-income peasants, medical security, policy First-author's address The First Hospital of Huairou District in Beijing, Beijing, 101400, China
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