
山西早二叠世微古植物群基本特征 被引量:3

Influence of Thermodynamic Factors With Temperature Change During Magma Rising Process
摘要 山西早二叠世微古植物—孢子花粉非常丰富,共发现60余属150余种。根据孢子花粉在地层中演化和分布规律,自下而上可划分三个孢子带:①SinulatisporitessinensisGulisporitescochlearis(SC);②RadizonatessolarisPotonieisporitesbharadwaji(SB);③PatelisporitesmeishanensisMacrotorisporamedia(MM)。山西早二叠世微古植物占优势的是欧美植物地理区的分子,但也有相当数量的华夏植物地理区特有分子,形成了别具特色的华夏植物地理区微古植物群。 Starting from the fundamental principle of thermodynamics,the authors made detailed studies on the inner energy and temperature change of solid,liquid and gas matter in magma with the lowering of inner pressure during magma rising,and pointed out that thermal expansion of gas is a new factor for temperature going up,when there exists gas in magma primarily Based on the discussion of the influence of heat evolution of oxidization,heat of diffusion,and heat of phase change with magma temperature in the rising course,the authors concluded that the factors which affect the temperature changes of magma are only the heat of diffusion and phase change when magma rises from the deep crust,and both of them pormote the magma to lower its temperature While magma rises at the shallow position of the crust or near the surface of earth,the influence of gas heat expansion and oxidization heat evolution with temperature may get more and more strong,thus they promote the temperature to go up But when the influence esceeds the heat of diffusion and phase change,the temperature of magma may go up during magma rising The auther called it the abnormal temperature rise,and it most porbably appears in the acid magma eruption At the same time,the auther regarded the abnormal temperature rise as a main facter for the corrosion of the crystallized minerals in magma
作者 高联达
出处 《华北地质矿产杂志》 1997年第2期103-113,共11页
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 微古植物群 孢子带 早二叠世 山西 地层 magma rising,gas thermal expansion,inner energy,heat diffusion,phase change heat,abnormal temperature rise of magma,phenocryst corrosion
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