实验考察了加入不同无机添加剂制备的AM/AMPS/N-PMI三元共聚物L00和L05作为驱油聚合物的性能。聚合物溶液用经充分曝氧并过滤的矿化度8.73 g/L的江河回注污水配制。L00的增黏性在浓度≤1.6 g/L时略好于而在>1.6 g/L时略差于L05。浓度1.5 g/L的L00和L05溶液,30℃时黏度(7.3 1/s)分别为44.8和42.7 mPa.s;90℃时分别为26.7和25.6 mPa.s;在95℃密闭老化120天后30℃黏度分别为27.6和25.2 mPa.s;高速通过人造岩心剪切后,30℃黏度分别下降9.6%和23.0%;阻力系数和残余阻力系数均随岩心渗透率降低而减小,实验数据表明L05比L00容易进入K>0.5μm2的岩心。在1.5 g/L的L00和L05清水(矿化度0.363 g/L)溶液中加入NaCl,30℃黏度最初随加盐量增大而快速下降,加盐量超过5 g/L后下降变缓,加盐量为30 g/L时30℃黏度在30mPa.s上下,L00略高。在95℃下,在Kw为0.65和0.54μm2的水驱后人造均质岩心中注入0.4 PV 1.5 g/L L00和L05污水溶液,采收率分别提高16.90%和10.87%。图5表3参2。
The performance properties of titled polymer L00 and L05, prepared at the presence of different inorganic polymerization auxiliary, are investigated in laboratory. Recycled produced water (RPW) of Jianghe, Henan, with TSD = 8.73 g/L, thoroughly aged and filtrated, is taken for solution preparing. The viscosifying capability of L00 is slightly larger at solution concentration ≤1.6 g/L and slightly smaller at 〉 1.6 g/L than that of L05. For 1.5 g/L solution of L00 and L05, the viscosity at 7.3 1/s is of 44.8 and 42.7 mPa's at 30℃ and 26.7 and 25.6 mPa's at 90℃, the 30℃ viscosity kept after ageing at 95℃ in 120 days is of 27.6 and 25.2 mPa's, the 30℃ viscosity reduction afer intensively sheafing in core flow tests is of 9.6% and 23.0%, respectively, the RF and RRF values decrease with decreasing core permeability and show more easy entrance of L05 into pores in cores of K 〉 0.5μ m^2. When salt NaCl is added to 1.5 g/L L00 and L05 solution in a fresh water of TSD = 0. 363 g/L, its viscosity at 30℃ decreases fast in initial stage and then slowly, being of about 30 mPa's at NaC1 dosage 30 g/L and a little higher for L00 solution. In flooding tests at 95℃ on artificial homogenous cores of Kw 0.65 and 0.54μm^2, an enhancement in oil recovery by 0.4 PV of 1.5 g/L L00 and L05 solution in RPW after water flooding finished, being of 16.90% and 10.87% ,respectively, is observed.
Oilfield Chemistry