
基于改进SCW的道路标志牌字符定位算法 被引量:1

An Algorithm for the Detection of Text on Road Signs Based on Improved SCW
摘要 本文提出了一种快速的基于改进SCW的道路标志牌字符定位算法。首先采用改进的自适应图像分割方法SCW对输入图像进行分割,然后对所得二值图像进行连通区域分析,获得斑块信息。最后根据一系列判决标准得出道路标志牌上字符的最终位置。实验结果显示该算法具有很强的准确性和鲁棒性。 A fast and robust Approach for the detection of text on road signs based on improved SCW ( sliding concentric windows) is proposed in this paper. The algorithm mainly contains three stages. We first convert the input image to a binary image using improved SCW then we obtain the blob information using CCA (connected component analysis) , and at last we achieve the final text location on road signs by a number of judging criterions. Experimental results demonstrate the great robustness and efficiency of our method.
作者 刘富强 沙浩
出处 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期1869-1872,共4页 Journal of Image and Graphics
关键词 SCW CCA 字符定位 车辆导航 SCW, CCA, character location, vehicle navigation
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