
论商品房住宅小区中会所、车库的所有权归属——从我国物权法的相关规定谈起 被引量:2

The Ownership of the Clubs And Garages in Commodity Apartment Residential District——Mentioning from the Related Provisions of the Real Right Act of our Country
摘要 我国物权法有关商品房住宅小区停车位、车库所有权归属的规定和对会所所有权归属的回避,既未能平衡相关各方(主要是业主与开发商)之间的利益,也难于达到定纷止争的预期效果,所以有待进一步完善。文章认为,基于我国的实际,应通过相关的过渡性的立法解释、司法解释或者政策、法规,最终实现会所和车库、车位归业主共有。 In our Real Right Act relevant provisions about the ownership of garages and parking places and the avoidance of the ownership of clubs in commodity apartment residential districts not only have failed to balance the interests between related parties( mainly owners and developers), but also will be difficult to get desired effect to get rid of disputes, so they must be improved. This paper states that in the light of our country' s reality we should enact related transitional legislative interpretation ,judicial interpretation or policy, regulations in order to realize all the owners' common ownership of the clubs, garages and parking places at last.
作者 张南京
机构地区 南昌大学法学院
出处 《东华理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期255-259,共5页 Journal of East China Institute of Technology
关键词 商品房住宅小区 会所 车库 车位 所有权 commodity apamnent residential district clubs garages ownership
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