

Clinical Observation of 27 Perioral Burned Scar Cases Treated with Operation Combined with Intracutaneous Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection
摘要 目的:观察手术加药物治疗口周瘢痕的临床效果。方法:我院烧伤整形科采用手术加药物治疗口周瘢痕27例,采用全厚皮植皮术加术后皮内去炎松-A(曲安萘德)注射。结果:经6-26月随访观察,2例失访。22例取得良好的效果,愈合创面平整,瘢痕增生少,口唇鼻部功能恢复好,外形满意,色泽反差随手术后时间延长逐渐减小。3例病人因为药物治疗疗程不足,局部功能恢复较差。结论:全厚皮植皮术加术后皮内去炎松-A(曲安萘德)注射治疗面部局部瘢痕是一种简单有效、病人容易接受的方法,值得临床推广。 Objective: To evaluate the effect of using full - thickness grafts transplantation combined with intracutaneous injection with triamcinolone acetonide for perioral burned scar. Methods: After releasing the scar, to cover the wound with full thickness grafts, and to intracutaneous inject with triamcinolone acetonide underwent after operation 1 - 2 weeks. Results:The follow - up ranged from 6 to 26 months in 25 cases with 2 in loss. Except for 3 patients, who short the duration of operative intracutaneous injection with triamcinolone acetonide, the other 22 patients were successful . Conclusion: The method of using full - thickness grafts transplantation combined with intracutaneous injection with triamcinolone acetonide for perioral burned scar is simple and effective.
出处 《现代临床医学》 2007年第5期338-339,共2页 Journal of Modern Clinical Medicine
关键词 口周瘢痕 全厚皮植皮术 局部药物注射 perioral bumed scar full- thickness grafts transplantation intracutaneous injection
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