Objective extinguish paratyphoid being popular with, put disinfecting measures into practice on the plague spot, and inspect the effect of disinfecting. Methods Adopt the chemistry disinfectant to carry out the disinfecting, taking sample all round on the plague spot, to check the effe-- ct of disinfecting. Results After that company switched to use the well water contaminated without disinfecting because running water pipelines were reformed so that the water supply was cut off, the 55 patients generated heating phenomenons altogether whose temperatures are betweet 38 centigrade degree and 39 centigrade degree, part cases, temperatures are above 39 centigrade degree who appear relatively slow pulse, bad appetite, indifferent expression and so on. By that the epidemiology investigation, checking samples, it finds that blood cultivating has 4 A type paratyphoid bacillus, and confirms that A type paraty- phoid bacillusarouse outbreak epidemic situation. Going through active digestive tract infectious disease prevention and cure, all--round the disinfecting and hygienical treatment is carried out on the plague spot, the easy infectious groups are inoculated a emergency typhoid vaccine, as a result, the epidemic situation is quickly under control. Comply with the patient anus dung, excremental pool water, river water, and well water--taking samples to check, as a result, it appears feminine gender. Conclusion With emergency center and medicine attendants controlling and curing, the epi- demic situation is quickly under control. Since the first example patient appears till the 25th day, epidemic situation is extinguished quickly, all patients recover from the hospital. After the follow-- up, a similar patient does not appear for 1 year, it explains that the effect of handing measures is very good this time.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Typhoid fever
Plague spot