
高校中层干部队伍管理探析 被引量:1

The Exploration into the Problems of Middle Level-Rank Executives in Colleges
摘要 高校中层干部是高校管理队伍的一支重要力量,工作中起着承上启下、上传下达的重要作用。当前高校中层干部队伍存在的主要问题有:队伍偏大,机构臃肿,人浮于事;队伍良莠不齐;队伍管理方法陈旧。因此,高校应加强中层干部队伍建设,健全和完善管理机制,为学校的建设与发展提供管理保障。 The middle - level cadres in college take as an important strengthen in the administrational team, which takes an important part in the works. There exist many questions in current team of middle - level cadres in college: the team of middle - level cadres in college is quiet big, very many departments are inflated, and the staff is super- fluous; the team of middle - level cadres in college is good and evil intermingled; the minds of middle - level cadres in college are obsolete. Middle - level cadres need to advance with time on their thoughts, to set up an concept of entire person - raising, educating people in solid process, all - direction education, and do their best to develop their college; they should build an open mechanism in appointment; Need to be particular about method on the administration of middle - level cadres.
作者 唐彪 谢全彪
出处 《安康学院学报》 2007年第5期101-103,共3页 Journal of Ankang University
关键词 高校 中层干部 管理机制 college middle - level cadres, administration mechanism
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