

Synchronization of two same chaotic systems and two different chaotic systems
摘要 基于稳定性理论,对HR系统和SQCF系统提出了混沌自同步和异结构同步的策略:一是选取正定的李亚谱诺夫函数,基于李亚谱诺夫直接法求出混沌同步控制量,从而实现混沌自同步和异结构同步;二是运用激活控制法实现两个不同系统的混沌同步。这两种方法均适用于一般的混沌系统,并给出了数值模拟。理论分析及仿真结果都表明该方法可以较快的实现混沌自同步和异结构同步。 The control strategies are proposed based on the stability theory for Synchronizing two same chaotic systems and two different chaotic systems. Taking HR system and SQCF system for example, the first is based on Lyapunov' s direct method by choosing a positive definite Lyapunov function. The second is using active control. These two methods can be used for common chaotic systems and the simulation is given. Theoretical analysis and simulation result show that chaotic systems can be synchronized effectively.
出处 《山东轻工业学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第3期79-82,共4页 Journal of Shandong Polytechnic University
关键词 HR系统 SQCF系统 李亚普诺夫直接法 激活控制法 同步 HR system SQCF system lyapunov' s direction method active control synchronization
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