
La_xSr_(1-x)MnO_3扩散幛限流型氧传感器研究 被引量:3

Research on Limiting Current Oxygen Sensor with Diffusion Barrier of La_xSr_(1-x)MnO_3
摘要 影响限流型氧传感器灵敏度的关键在于扩散障的性能优劣。采用混合导体材料为La_xSr_(1-x)MnO_3的混合导体扩散障,通过测试其在不同温度、不同氧浓度下的电流-电压曲线,衡量其对氧浓度的灵敏情况,从而作为评价其氧传感器性能的指标。 A new type of oxygen sensor has been developed. The oxygen sensors use solid electrolyte as diffusion barrier to control the transfer of the oxygen ion. The material of the diffusion barrier is LaxSr1-xMno3. The property of limiting current oxygen sensor can be reflected by current-voltage function at different temperatures and under different oxygen pressures
出处 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第A02期191-193,共3页 Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
关键词 限流型氧传感器:固体电解质扩散障:LaxSr1-xMnO3 limiting current oxygen sensor solid electrolyte diffusion barrier LaxSr1-xMnO3
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