千奈公园酒店座落在Anns alai之上,地处印度Tamil Nadu商业中心,可以说是一座“城市的天堂”,它是在前Gemini工作室的基础上建成的,拥有215间雅致大方的客房。二十世纪四十年代。这片土地养育了很多英雄儿女.创造了无数的色彩绚丽的梦想,现在这片土地已成为“生活剧场”的空间。酒店的织物和各种设计来源于电影。呈现出各种不同的形式.诉说着一个与众不同的故事。
The Park in Chennai is an urban heaven, located on Anna Salai in the heart of the business district of Tamil Nadu's vibrant capital. This elegant and lavish 215-room hotel stands on the historic premises of the erstwhile Gemini Film Studios. The Precincts that created larger than life heroes and heroines since the 1940's, mersmerising millions with Technicolor dreams have now been transformed to house the theatre of life in its private and public spaces. The hotel creates a unique story of textures, surfaces, shadow and light inspired by film and performance in its various forms.
Interior Architecture of China