
信息技术发展与广播组织权利保护制度的重塑 被引量:19

Development of Information Technology and Re-sculpturing System of Protecting Broadcasting Organization's Rights
摘要 当代信息技术的飞跃发展使盗播广播节目更加容易,广播组织的邻接权受到了日益严重的侵权威胁,以《罗马公约》为基础的广播组织权利保护制度越来越不能适应信息技术发展的要求。世界知识产权组织主持并拟定了保护广播组织权利的新方案,扩大了广播组织的权利,但该方案也遭到了来自广大发展中国家及一些发达国家政府、企事业单位的强烈批评。我国应当密切关注国际广播组织权利保护的最新动向,对我国著作权法做及时的修改,在保护广播组织权利的同时注意维护社会公众正当的利益。 The rapid development of contemporary information technology makes the unwarranted broadcasting very easy. Although broadcasting organization' s rights are in imperil, the system of protecting their rights based on Rome Convention cannot adapt to the requirement of new technology. World Intel- lectual Property Organization has conducted and drawn a new scheme to protect and enlarge broadcasting organization's rights. But this scheme has also suffered intense criticism from developing countries and governments, enterprises and institutions of developed countries. Our country should pay close attention to the latest international tendency, modify Copyright Law timely, and safeguard the justified public interests in the same time.
作者 胡开忠
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期90-103,共14页 Chinese Journal of Law
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究(2004年度)重大课题攻关项目第16号招标课题"知识产权制度的变革与发展研究"(项目编批准号:04JZD0016)的阶段性成果。
关键词 广播组织权 信息技术 权利保护 权利限制 the rights of broadcasting organization, information technology, protection of rights, limit ofrights
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  • 1Lucy Cradduck & Adrian Mcculiagh,Designing Copyright TPM:A Mutant Digital Copyright,International Journal of Law and Information Technology,Summer, 2005.
  • 2[法]克洛德·科隆贝.《世界各国著作权和邻接权的基本原则》,高凌翰译,上海外语教育出版社1995年.第124页.
  • 3Susan P. Crawford,The Biology of the Broadcast Flag,25 Hastings Comm.& Ent.L.J.603,2003, p. 610.
  • 4世界知识产权组织大会第33届会议(第16次特别会议)文件(WO/GA/33/4),http://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting-id=11023,2006年,10月10日访问.
  • 5See Susan P. Crawford, Shortness of Vision:Regulatory Ambition in the Digital Age, Fordham Law Review, November, 2005.
  • 6See Matthew D. Asbell, Progress on the WIPO Broadcasting and Webcasting Treaty,24 Cardozo Arts & Ent.L.J.349,2006.
  • 7See WIPO,WIPO Agrees to Push Back Date For Conference on Broadcast Treaty, in World Intellectual Property Report,Vol.19,Nov.2005.
  • 8See WIPO, Reforms Planned to Simplify Rights Clearance for Webcasters, in World Intellectual Property Report,Vol.19,Jan.2006.
  • 9WIPO, Two-Track Approach Adopted to Advance Broadcast Treaty Conference, in World Intellectual Property Report,Jun.2006.
  • 10http://www.eff.org/IP/WIPO/broadcasting-treaty/eff-statement-usdel-020906.pdf.2006年,10月15日访问.









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