This paper deals with two new species of Chorthippus and Sphingonotus from Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University. Chorthippus amplimedilocus sp. nov.(figs. 1) This new species is similar to Chorthippus changbaishanensis Liu and Chorthippus horqinensis Li et Yin, but differs from both in: 1) frontal ridge with longitudinal sulcus the whole length; 2) the length of middle segments of antenna longer than its width about 2.5~2.6 times; 3) elytra reaching behind the top of abdomen (♀); 4) precosta area exceed the middle of elytra; 5) the width of median area longer than the width of cubital area about 7 times; 6) without dark band behind the eyes. Length of body: ♂16 mm~17 mm, ♀19 mm~22 mm. Length of pronotum: ♂3 mm~4 mm, ♀3.5 mm~4 mm. Length of elytra: ♂9 mm~13 mm, ♀14 mm~16 mm. Length of hind femur: ♂9 mm~11 mm, ♀10 mm~13 mm. Holotype ♂, allotype ♀, paratypes 5 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, Ningxia:Liupanshan (Xinmin), 11-08-1983;2♀♀, Liupanshan(Longtan), 30-07-1983.collected by Yang Caixia. Sphingonotus otogensis sp. nov.(figs.2) This new species is allied to Sphingonotus salinus (Pallas), but differs from the latter by the following characters: 1) hind margin of pronotum distinctly angulate; 2) the width of transparent band between dark bands of elytra distinctly narrower than the width of dark band of hind wing; 3) the width of middle dark band of elytra equal to that of the dark band of hind wing; 4) the top of dark band not reaching the inner margin of hind wing; 5) with three large black spots in the top of hind wing. Length of body: ♂24 mm. Length of pronotum: ♂4 mm. Length of elytra: ♂25 mm. Length of hind femur: ♂11 mm. Holotype ♂, Inner Mongolia: Otoqenqi, 21-07-1992, collected by Yang Caixia.
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition