
基于最优内插预测的科学数据压缩方法 被引量:1

Scientific Data Compression Method Based on Optimized Interpolate Predition
摘要 在海量科学数据存储和传输压力愈来愈大的背景下,我们针对结构网格离散的科学计算数据,研究了基于二维9点、三维27点最优内插预测的科学数据压缩方法。数值实验表明该方法大大优于现有的压缩算法,可以较好地解决科学计算数据的压缩存储问题。 Application in scientific computing often operate with large volume of output and input data, the space required for data storage and data transfer over communication networks are bottleneck in scientific computing. In the paper,we present a compression method based on optimized prediction operator which applied to structured scientific data.the proposed approach may be used both for lossy and lossless compression and is well suited for scalar fields. Numerical results indicate that our method successfully outperforms universal compression algorithm greatly.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期15-17,44,共4页 Computer Science
基金 中国工程物理研究院科学技术资金资助课题(No20040658)
关键词 数据压缩 预测编码 科学数据 线性方程组 Prediction operator, Scientific data compression,Linear equations
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