5.8 GHz无线网桥是一种高速、无线以太网桥,支持点对点和点对多点的网络结构,对于作业现场分布散落、有线网络不能到达的地方,它提供一个高速传输通道,同时无线接入作为有线接入的重要补充和应急备份,节省了大量的建设费用,能够实现快速建设和快速投入使用.
5.8 GHz wireless bridge that is a high-speed, wireless ethernet bridge can support point-to-point and point-to-multipoint network structure, as for the places with the scattered distribution and cable network inaccessible places, it can provide a high-speed transmission channel. Meanwhile, as an important supple- mentary and emergency backup of the wireless cable access, it can save a lot of the construction cost, to achieve rapid development and rapid use.
China Digital Cable TV