Jiangsu Science and Technology Information
1Craig E.Wheelock,Yoshiaki Nakagawa,Toshiyuki Harada,et al.High-throughput screening of ecdysone agonists using a reporter gene assay followed by 3-D QSAR analysis of the molting hormonal activity[].Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry.2006
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4Michael Wolff,Joerg Wiedenmann,G.Ulrich Nienhaus.Novel fluorescent proteins for high-content screening[].Drug Discovery Today.2006
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8Kumar RA,Clark DS.High-throughput screening of biocatalytic activity:applications in drug discovery[].Current Opinion in Chemical Biology.2006
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3李长国.靴压配对辊的结构设计[J].中国造纸,2013,32(9):45-47. 被引量:2
4张莹,陈蕴智.改良型喷墨打印纸用涂料的研发与利用[J].中国造纸,2006,25(2):38-42. 被引量:5
5周耀辉,谈国强.超导材料的发展状况[J].佛山陶瓷,2005,15(5):28-30. 被引量:8
7胥绍华.燃气轮机组高性能空气过滤纸的研发与应用[J].中国造纸,2013,32(11):71-74. 被引量:3
9徐强,陆赵情,王志杰.聚酰亚胺纤维及其在造纸工业中的应用[J].纸和造纸,2012,31(10):61-65. 被引量:10
10吴银金,周晓源,张亚军.紧凑型双辊洗浆机的技术创新[J].中华纸业,2013,34(14):20-22. 被引量:4