It is shown by two typical samples that the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling duringa magnetic storm not only takes a control role in ionospheric disturbance in the auroral region, but alsoa main source for successive variations in the mid-and low-latitude ionosphere.At the beginning of the main phase of a strong storm the disturbed energy of the solar wind enters the auroral ionosphere along geomagnetic field line and Penetrates directly into mid-and low-latitude areas. As a result, the eastward equatorial electrojet at daytime intensifies considerablely.In the high latitude the enhancement of magnetospheric convection makes the electron density Nin the auroral F-layer decrease, while the energetic particle precipitation leads to a dramatically increasing of ionization in the E-layer. The combination of these two effects during the main phase ofstrong storms induces the following phenomena in the auroral ionosphere: N' (E-layer) >>N (Flayer), and N (F-layer) decreases with increasing of altitude. The Chapman distribution form of Nin the F-layer disapears entirely. All these proceases occur in the electrodynamic coupling stage of themagnetosphere-ionosphere interaction.At the recover phase of a storm, however, the dynamic coupling dominates as the neutral atmosphere plays an important role. After the lower thermosphere has ben heated, the process, in whichthere is an increasing of N F2 due to the lift of the F-layer and it is followed by a decreasing of N F2caused by the atmosphere with higher ratio of molecule to atom lifting from the lower thermospher,may expand along with the disturbed flow of the neutral atmosphere to the mid-and low-latitudeionosphere.In this stage the ionospheric disturbance dynamo generated by the disturbed thermosPheric circulation drives an anti-Sq electric current system,the flux of which is westward in the low-latitude ionosphere- Since the fountain phenomenon of the equatorial anomaly of N.F2 caused by the eastwardequatorial electrojet is suppressed by the disturbed current, the variation of N in the crest of the equatorial anomaly is much more evident.The simultaneous arising of hmF is often observed in a station chain of ground ionosondes. It ispossible that a significant enhancement of the region 2 field-a1igned current, or the northward turningof IMF, or both of them together, are all responsible for the hmF lift.
Chinese Journal of Radio Science
Magnetosphere-ionospher coupling, Magnetospheric convection, Ionospheric disturbance