Objective To explore psychological health level in an armoured forces before and after a war-game. Methods 202 servicemen in armoured forces were tested by SCL-90 in 3 days before and in 2 days after the war-game. Results (1)The obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, hostility scores and total scores of SCL-90 after the war-game were lower than those before the war-game; (2)The two factorial scores (somatization, hostility) before the war-game and the six factorial scores (somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, paranoid ideation) and total scores after the war game were lower than the norm of Chinese serviceman. (3)After the war-game, there were significant differences at two factorial score (obsessive-compulsive, hostility) among different battle groups, the score of infantry was higher than that of artillery, tank forces and repairing company. The further comparison (LSD) indicates that eight factorial scores of infantry were separately higher than those of tank forces and repairing company. (4)The five factorial scores (obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation,psychotism) and total average score of those who had witnessed their wounded comrades-in-arms were lower than those who hadn't; (5)The two factorial scores (obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity) of the recruits were higher than that of the veterans after the war-game; (6)The psychotism score of those from rural areas was higher than that of those from cities before the war-game. (7)The depression score of southerners were higher than that of northerners after the war-game. Conclusion The level of mental health of the serviceman of armoured forces is higher than that of other Chinese servicemen; the war-game has different impacts on mental health of different kinds of servicemen.
China Journal of Health Psychology