5This presentation has been taken verbatim from my essay in volume ⅩⅩⅩⅤ of Schmoller's Jahrbuch. Since the date of its publication ,an excellent essay by Reich, the notary, on the matrimonial regime in the Greman parts of Steiermark , Karnten, and Krain has appeared in the Festschrift zur Jahrhundertfeier des( osterr. )A. B. G. B( General civil code of Austria). -Author's note.
6The Prokura, or general power of procuration, has been defined by Gareis ( Handelsgesetzbueh, second edition) in a note to paragraph 48 as a general power of agency which must be registered, which is limited only by statute, which cannot be limited by agreement as to its effect with reference to third persons, and which is designated by a formal designation which is limited to this particular instance.