

Three Topics on a Comparison Between Higher Education Institutions of China and the U.S.
摘要 知识经济是当今世界经济发展的主题,创新力则是其中最为关键的一环。决定创新力的重要因素在于高等教育制度,而我国的相关政策在激励创新方面效果并不理想。通过对中美学术成果产业化、交叉学科及研究型大学的制度建设进行比照和探讨,在展示了美国高等教育对学生创新能力的激励的同时,指出了我国高等教育在培养学生创新能力方面存在的缺陷,为我国高等教育制度的改革提供一些借鉴。 Knowledge economy is the trend of the world economy nowadays, of which innovation is the key. Higher education institutions are essential incentives of innovation. The higher education related policies are not as effective as those of the U.S. on motivating innovation as well as illustrate the successful examples in the U.S. by university research commercialization, interdisciplinary research and policies on research universities in both countries. Also we hope to offer some useful advice on the national reform of a China' s higher education institutions.
作者 李怀 张悦
出处 《大连教育学院学报》 2007年第3期18-21,共4页 Journal of Dalian Education University
关键词 中美高校 教育制度比较 创新 universities in China and the U.S. comparison between higher education institutions innovation
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