
1946~1947年美国对华军火禁运的几个问题 被引量:5

Issues about American Embargo of Arms and Ammunition against China between 1946 and 1947
摘要 1946~1947年美国对华军火禁运是解放战争时期美国对华政策的一个重要举措。在马歇尔调停期间,为了压制蒋介石配合调停,1946年7月29日马歇尔宣布停止向国民政府提供美援。在蒋介石未做出相应回应的前提下,8月18日杜鲁门总统认可了这一禁令。这项为调停而设计的政策,并没有产生马歇尔预期的影响。不过,它部分地导致了国民党军队军火供应的严重短缺。针对军火禁运给国民党军队所带来的负面影响,围绕着禁令的解除,美国国务院与军方展开了激烈辩论,在国际冷战加剧的背景下,美国国务院最终同意解除对华军火禁运。 American embargo of arms and ammunition against China between 1946 and 1947 was an important measure taken by the United States in the Chinese civil war. During the Marshall mediation, in order to pressure Jiang Jieshi for cooperation, Marshall announced on July 29, 1946, the embargo of American aid to the Nationalist Government of China. Without receiving a response from Jiang Jieshi, President Truman approved of the embargo on August 18. The policy specially designed for the mediation did not produce the effect as expected by Marshall. But it partly led to a serious shortage of arms and ammunition of the Guomingdang troops. As a result of the negative effect of the embargo on Guomingdang troops, the State Department and American military were engaged in intense debates regarding the lifting of the embargo. Against the background of the growing intensification of the Cold War in the world, the State Department finally agreed to lift the embargo.
作者 胡美 任东来
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期85-102,共18页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 1停战协定.1946年,1月10日.
  • 2和平建国纲领.政治协商会议的,1月.
  • 3军队整编协议.2月,25日.
  • 4调处东北停战的协定.3月,27日.
  • 5马歇尔特使上蒋委员长陈述对于停止东北冲突协议之可能原则备忘录.1946年,5月10日.
  • 6汪朝光.《中华民国史》.北京:中华书局,2000年版,第406-504页.
  • 7牛军.《从赫尔利到马歇尔:美国调处国共矛盾始末》.福州:福建人民出版社,1992年版,第221-236页.
  • 8Memo by General Chou En-lai to General Marshall,June 3,1946,FRUS,1946,Vol. 9, p. 946.
  • 9General Marshall to the President Truman, June 5,1946, FRUS, 1946, Vol. 9, p. 979.
  • 10唐纵.日记,(1946年,6月16日):《在蒋介石身边八年》.北京:群众出版社,1991年版,第623页.




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