

The relation between renminbi real effective exchange rate and FDI: a new angle of viewing
摘要 在前人的基础上加入一个汇率制度变量,考察汇率波动对FDI的影响,使用GARCH(1,1)模型求得汇率波动,发现我国的汇率波动与FDI的关系存在门槛效应,即在1994年以前大幅度的汇率波动阻碍了FDI的流入,而1994年以后小幅度的汇率波动却促进了FDI的流入。随着我国汇率制度向浮动汇率转变,只要保持实际有效汇率的相对稳定性,就能不断吸引FDI的流入。 Addingan exchange rate system variabletopredecessor's foundation, inspects the exchange rate volatility influence on FDI , useGARCH (1, 1 ) model to obtain the exchange rate volatility, discovers that there exists threshold effect between our country's exchange rate volatility and the FDI , namely before the year 1994 the large scale exchange rate volatility has hindered the FDI inflow , but after the year 1994 the small scope exchange rate volatility actually promoted the FDI inflow. Itbelieves , along with our country,exchange rate system transfering to floating exchange rate, as long as keeping real effective exchange rate relative stability, it can attract FDI to inflow unceasingly.
机构地区 湘潭大学商学院
出处 《北京市财贸管理干部学院学报》 2007年第3期43-46,共4页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Finance and Commerce Management
关键词 实际有效汇率 汇率波动 外国直接投资 门槛效应 real effective exchange rate volatility FDI threshold effect
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