目的:探讨实现跨医疗企业的患者信息共享和医疗资源整合的方法。方法:按照IHE XDS-I影像数据注册-发布模型,设置区域数据交换中心,实现各系统间患者影像和报告数据的交换共享,实现与区域卫生网络系统互联时的平滑升级。结果:实现了院内各系统间患者影像和报告数据的交换共享,为以后院间影像交换预留了IHE标准数据接口,为XDS-I模型在国内医院的具体实践进行了尝试。结论:数据中心的结构设计被证明是可行、可靠和有效的。
Objective To realize information sharing and medical resources integration in different medical enterpnses. Methods In accordance with IHE XDS-Ⅰ image data registration-distribution model, regional data exchange center was set up so that the medical images and report data could be exchanged and shared, and the regional medical network could be smoothly upgraded in interconnection. Results Exchange and sharing of medical images and reports were realized. Standard IHE data interface was prepared for future images exchange between different hospitals. XDS-Ⅰ model in domestic hospitals were put into practice. Conclusion The structure design of data center is feasible, reliable and effective.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal