

A Remark on the Ricci Flow on the 2-Sphere
摘要 给出Hamilton和Chow关于二维球面上的Ricci流的一个定理的新证明.这个证明结合了Hamilton关于Ricci流的紧性定理和二维ancientκ-解的分类和Perelman的非塌缩定理. In this short note we give a new proof of a theorem of Hamilton and Chow on the Ricci flow on the 2-sphere. The proof combines Hamilton's compactness theorem and his classification of 2- dimensional ancient to-solution of Ricci flow with Perelman's no local collapsing theorem.
作者 黄红
出处 《数学研究》 CSCD 2007年第3期248-250,共3页 Journal of Mathematical Study
基金 NSFC10371008
关键词 Rieei流 紧性定理 ANCIENT k-解 非塌缩定理 Ricci flow compactness theorem ancient k-solution no local collapsing theorem
  • 相关文献


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