以美中经济与安全评估委员会(U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission,简称US-CC)2006年在任委员和2006年度报告为研究对象,重点分析委员们的背景和政治立场在报告形成过程中所发挥的影响。研究发现,该委员会的成员绝大多数都有反对中国的立场和背景;他们更多地选择同自己有相似立场的人员作为听证会的证人;在引用证人的观点时,他们以自身的立场对证言进行筛选,断章取义地引用对华持中立立场的证人的观点。可见,2006年度报告从材料的收集过程到报告本身的写作过程再到报告最后的结论都明显地打上了委员们个人偏见的烙印。
This article, by focusing on the 2006 commissioners of USCC ( U. S. - China Economic and Security Review Commission) and its 2006 annual report, attempts to explore the influence exerted by the commissioners'political backgrounds on the way the report was prepared and completed. The author finds that most commissioners take a tough and unfriendly stance towards China; that they tend to select witnesses of similar viewpoints for their hearings; and that when referring to neutral witnesses, the commissioners tend to sieve their views, quoting them out of contexts to serve their own anti - Chinese stance. Therefore, in the whole process of writing report, from material coUection to the actual writing and to the final conclusion, the annual report is marked by the commissioners" personal political prejudices.
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)