
Study of customer acquisition support system for mobile operators 被引量:1

Study of customer acquisition support system for mobile operators
摘要 The mobile operators are struggling for improving the market share and the revenues. One important method is to acquire the potential customers from the competitors. This article presents a whole acquisition process and an integrated framework for customer acquisition support system (CASS). The core of the system is the customer acquisition identification models which are built based on data mining technologies. The CASS can automate the acquisition process and decrease the cost and implement precise marketing strategy for mobile operators. The mobile operators are struggling for improving the market share and the revenues. One important method is to acquire the potential customers from the competitors. This article presents a whole acquisition process and an integrated framework for customer acquisition support system (CASS). The core of the system is the customer acquisition identification models which are built based on data mining technologies. The CASS can automate the acquisition process and decrease the cost and implement precise marketing strategy for mobile operators.
出处 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》 EI CSCD 2007年第3期123-128,共6页 中国邮电高校学报(英文版)
关键词 CASS data mining MOBILE CASS, data mining, mobile
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