

Opening capital account of developing countries: problem and decision
摘要 无论是对发达国家还是发展中国家资本账户的开放性研究,人们都倾注了大量的精力。但是回顾这争鸣的百家,对发展中国家资本账户开放后的经济效应,也莫衷一是。尽管如此,被经济学界广泛承认的事实是,资本账户开放后的效应是因各国情况不同而不同的,需要决策者审时度势,慎之又慎,尤其要避免伴随资本账户开放而可能带来的金融冲击甚至危机。 People have spared no efforts on the openness research of the capital accounts of both developed countries and developing countries. The contending schools are confused to the economic effects of opening capital accounts of developing countries. But it is widely accepted by the economic academic circle that the effects differ among different countries in consideration of their various conditions. The poliey makers should make correct assessment of the situation with extreme prudence, especially avoiding financial shocks or even crisis with the opening of capital account.
作者 董志勇
出处 《经济学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期113-120,共8页 Economist
基金 "教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目‘资本外逃对中国宏观经济的影响’课题(项目批准号:05JA790078)"的资助
关键词 资本账户 开放效果 政策选择 Capital account, Opening effects, Policy selection
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