缙云山自然保护区拥有长江中上游保存较为完好的亚热带常绿阔叶林,其种子植物区系具有以下特征:区内有种子植物166科803属1 565种,其中野生种子植物达139科550属1 023种;科、属组成的优势现象明显,含10种以上的优势科有23科,所含属、种数分别占总属数和总种数的56.36%和62.85%,含5种以上的19个优势属所含的种数占总种数的15.74%,这些科、属在该区系组成中占明显的主导地位;区系地理成分复杂,热带成分优势明显,体现了由热带性质向温带性质的过渡性特征.缙云山在种子植物物种数量及分布区类型上都较为丰富,植物区系起源古老,并就该保护区植物资源的保护提出了建议.
The Jinyun Mountain Nature Reserve of Chongqing City of China is known as typical subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests. The floristic characteristics of its seed plants are as follow: there are 1 565 species of seed plants which belong to 803 genera and 166 families. Among them, wild seed plants reach to 1 023 species belonging to 550 genera, 139 families, dominant genera and families are prominent. There are 10 dominant families containing 21 or more species of all families,the numbers of species and genus of them account for 62.85% and 56.36% of the total number of the reserve, respectively. Those 19 dominant genera containing 6 or more species account for 15.74% of the total. The dominant genera and families mentioned above are characteristic of complex geographical elements with evident tropical elements. The flora has obviously transitional characteristics from tropical to temperate zones. The overall conclusion is that the amount of species and areal types of seed plants in Jinyun mountain are abundant, and the flora is ancient in origin. Some suggestions for plant resources protections are also put forward.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Natural Science)