目前除了一些较小的网络,几乎所有的局域网都选择以太网接入,基于以太网的城域网也成为技术热点而引起网络服务提供商ISP的浓厚兴趣。其中的802.1 QinQ技术,即VLAN堆栈,是802.1Q协议的一种扩展协议,这个协议可以将用户的VLAN封装到服务商的VLAN中,用一个或几个VLAN将用户的多个VLAN封装,并穿过运营商的网络。本文将讨论一种QinQ的实现模型,以及该模型的安全性、可行性、QoS和具体实现,并对实验结果进行了模拟分析和验证。
At present almost all LAN networks are based on Ethernet, and metropolitan area network(MAN) which based on Ethernet is becoming a hotpot which gained dense focus from Service providers. 802. 1QinQ or so called0 vlan stack is the extended-802. 1Q protocol, which can offers simplicity and effectiveness access for user's vlan to be encapsulated into the vlans of service providers' and also can go through the network of telecom operator. It allows the service providers to stack a second VLAN (SP-VLAN) on top of customer VLAN(C-VLAN) o The realization of qing model is designed, as well as the security, feasibility, QoS and implement are also studied. At last a analog analysis and testing is performed to the experimental results.
Electronic Measurement Technology