

On capacity optimization for correlated MIMO channels
摘要 该文研究MIMO系统收发天线间存在空间相关衰落时信道平均容量的优化算法,利用牛顿迭代法,对发送子空间各特征向量的分配功率进行了优化。仿真结果表明,在各种SNR下,其平均容量接近Jensen’s上界;得出信道相关性对平均容量的影响取决于系统信噪比的结论。 This paper studies the capacity of a MIMO system with a correlated fading channel for the two-side antennas.An optimization program using Newton's method is developed to analyze the interactions among transmit and receive antennas,Simulation shows that the optimization program can give a result which is very close to the Jensen's up bound and reveal the effect of correlation on capacity depending on SNR.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第29期126-128,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 MIMO 平均信道容量 注水算法 波束成形 MIMO ergodic channel capacity water filling beamforming
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